He had been feeling very down and uninterested about things going on around his kingdom and beyond. Ever since he heard about what happened in Acrinid, he had been very pissed at the demon King. He didn't want the demon king dragging him into a mess he created. He had his own way of dealing with things. What he hated most was when he felt like he was being used to accomplish a task. 

The death of the werewolves did not concern him, what concerned him was the rumours spreading around about how he charged to the werewolves kingdom and massacred the King and Queen. 

He wasn't that insane. Despite the fact that his kind was mated to the king, that did not mean he would want her dead. Whatever the demon King did was all for supremacy to rule and nothing more. 

He knew fully well that the demon king would have planned to take down his kingdom too, if he wasn't strong enough to defend his people.