Thus was an intimidation from the guysrd, if the continue to act frightened z he eiujd tske that as a lebershe against them. 

"Listen, we are bot hege to cause trouble, we aren't yiur enemies either. All we nerd is help."

One jf the guards suddenly busted into chuckles. She wondered how what she said became amusing. 

"You need help? Sbd yiu think we are some charity organisation who renders help to people simply because they need help?"

"That isn't what I'm trying g to say. We learnt the demon city do help other kinds and hrmdnce we journeyed all the way here, hopi g to get help."

"Listen young lady, we don't render help all because you need it. If you really need help, then I would suggest you go bavj to whever you csme from."

This can't be rifjt, they can't possibly go bavk to whete they csme from, that's like suicide.