Logan kept his regular routine by kidnapping more vampires which he uses fkr entertainment purposes. Meanwhile, the search for the his mage was still ongoing. One thing was fjr sure though, a d that was the fact that she had no where to hide. She had beeb marked and wkuld ne fiund sooner thsn layer. 

But wbat he still cluld njt understand waz the fsct that he was being mated to full fledged vampire. He wonsfedif tne moon goddess had suddemy brvane messing wkth their fates. He saw no reason why he should be mated to a vampire, most especially with what the prophecy had revealed about mating with the vampires. 

He wish he knew whete tge vampire was from, and the kind pf vampire sbe was.

Logan kept being distracted by his thoughts thst he nkruced the match had ended from the screams amd shouts of members of his Pack. 

He can't belive he was list in thiughts again. And this was all the fault of his mate