Kyra abandoned the prince's rumours had calmed finally. This was because the rarely visited anymore. The last time Kyra spoke to hom, gets her that he was busy with sine tasks which the king had given to hom, and hence he can't be there to see her odywb. Though he promised to come see her once he wss dine wjth what he was doing. 

Kyra had no problems wjth the prince notch I.g iber yo see her. Left for her, she didn't even want him around. Nor because she hated him, bot it wss for the rumours to die down. 

There was one tjne sge heard tge demon king hsd somehow found out about her closeness whty the prince. 

When she first heard about the news, she begged Stephsn to stay away from her. Not jist fkr her but for him as we. She would be in huge trouble z hyst as him if the news kept spreading.

That was one if the resoms why she never wanted to keep him close at the initial time.