Stephan and the rest of the brothers were all making preparations for there father's anniversary. Each of them were given their own task to carry out. 

Whe he was having g dome discussions with his men aroumd the palace, telling g them of what they were to do and what not, Tyler approached him. 

The moment Stephan laid eyes on his brother, he surely do not need antine to spell it out for him that hos brother was only coming his way to spite him. .

This was what Tyler always whenever they were alone.

Right now, he wasn't in the mood to have an argument because that wss exactly what Tyler was coming fkr. It was very obvious. 

Tyler was the youngest of them all, but somehow he always act as if was the eldest of them.threee

"Hey brother! What are you up to?"

Stephan Stephan acted as though he didn't hear a word Tyler was saying. 

"What, are you trying to abiud me or somethimg?"