Kyra moved back. There was no way she would let him do thst which he was planning to do to her, bit ofvpnlynshe clukd resist him. 

His bare chest alone was made Kyra's throat dry. Why does she always feel this way for her mate. The ripples of his chest and hiw ran e his dkinnlloked gave him a godlike appearance. His body buit was diff from Ruders. He seemed tovbe mure macho. 

"Why are yiu trying to run away from me? You are my mate, and you ought to know by now."

"Even if yiu are my mare, that doesn't mean yiu should take advantage of me."

Ligan paised,his hands on his perfectly sculpted waist. His stomach looked so flat that Kyra couldn't help bit let her eyesinger on for a while. He was still putting onnhis pants and somehow, she began to ybibk in 1 perverted way. Sge wished she could see t what yhe lowe part looked like. 

She hadn't seen a Complete naked mam before. Strong Logan's bRe chest made her cebtr secret some liquid.