She had managed to make Elizabeth calm. She can't believe the princess's could set her up in such way. Indeed there was no safe haven or nice people among the royals and those wielding powers.

"Does your face still hurt, princess?" Elizabeth asked calmly with a worried looking expression. 

"I'm fine, I'm very okay now Lizzy, you don't have to worry about me. I would heal any way. Compare to all of you, my healing process is quite faster."

"That's okay then. But I think princess Kitana needs to be put in her place else she would run wild and step on you if care is not taken."

Kyra smiled delightfully, which made Elizabeth stare at her confusedly.

"May I know what amuses you, my princess?"

"Well. The truth is, you amaze me, and I'm glad that you are finally here with me."

Lizzy grinned.