"Why don't you two just kill me?"

Ryder and Logan stared at her confusedly. Itbwas strange they were both stsring atbher thst way, bjt she didn't care about their stares. It was the fact that they had put Elizabeth in prison alone. 

"Why are you saying that?"

Ruder asked staring innocently.

"What? Why and I sayings that? Are yiu asking me because you don't know what you did or what?"

"I don't know what he did, but do you know you just put yourself in huge trouble by running away from from the demon kingdom," Logan added. 

Kyra only felt more annoyed wjty the words they wee sputinf from their lips. How can they Suddenyly start acting as if they cared when all they did was either threatened to have her killed or sneaked in every night to torment her sexually. 

And now they are both acting as if they care?

"It's either you kill me or send me I ti the cell you kept Elizabeth."