She hsd already been making plans for an escape woth Raven through her dreams for almost a week now.

She did it before, and she was sure thst she would be able to do it again.

All what she needed as of that moment was to yo find out where Elizabeth was locked in.

Ryder must have known that she wouldn't be able to escape without Elizabeth.

How sensible he was. If only the ritual to make the witch get back her original form could be carried out in the dungeons, sbe would have gladly done it.

But doing the ritual means going into the witch's cave physically and not in her dreams.

Ryder and Logan, had no idea that she had a linking with the witch. They were more focused on Elizabeth, because they knew just how much she cared for her.

They did this and forgot that she could still escape even with Elizabeth locked in. But then, who was she kidding? There was no way sge would wilds let go of Elizabeth no matter what might happen.