Chapter 10

After I texted, I lock the door. My dad works 12 hours on Sundays so I pull out the shank and lay it next to me on my bed. Just in case.

I've never been so paranoid before honestly. I really think Katerina did that robbery. I still haven't gone to get that replacement either.

I watch the news for an hour on my bed and I notice something crazy.

Another robbery, it was a 5 ft. 8 ish woman, and she was buff, with the same mask and beanie as that day, with a man that was about 5 foot 9, Ryo's height. This was about an hour ago.

This was at the bank across the street and they stole a million dollars.

I was definitely practice. I was freaking out like a nutcase. And then...


I forgot that Ryo was in the group chat...

"Ooh, that's weird, are you sure you're not overthinking it?" He texted, @ing me in the process.

"This lady never paid attention to me, she's always hated me, why would she start paying attention to me now? She followed me a couple streets on the way home too. She also kissed me outside of the boutique. Out of the blue. It's suspicious." I replied.

Lisa gets in, "Wait, you didn't tell me she did that! Lemme check the cameras at work real quick."

There was proof that she forced herself on me.

"Yep she did and she grabbed him, I know my cousin, she's never liked him. That is weird..." she said.

"What did the perp at the robbery look like?" Kaido brought up.

"It was a buff woman with a gun and a raspy voice. She had a mask and beanie on, similar to the recent robbery. I didn't tell yall yesterday because I was too focused on Freedom and the game on Friday. I was also questioning to myself who it could be. I didn't want to frame Katerina, so I wanted to make sure what I was doing before going to the police. The sad thing is that Del Burrito's security cameras all have to be replaced so there's no footage, but Sakaki remembers pretty vividly what happened." I practically authored, it was a text wall, but yeah I just wanted to state everything. Thankfully, my initial text was before the robbery from what I recall from the news. So it can't really be immediate accusation.

"That's freaky." Karen said.

"Do you see her more often than before?" Kaido asked.

"Yep." I replied.

This is kind of nuts honestly.

The Uncord chat got quiet and then...

BOOM! It was a gunshot. I grabbed my shank, put my phone on airplane mode, and dashed into the bathroom.

I was terrified. I didn't know if it was a warning shot or what. I stayed in there playing Empire: Dev Tycoon on my phone since it doesn't need service for about an hour. I did not expect this to become a thriller plot so soon...

After the hour I get out with my shank, I guess they assumed I got the message. I don't think replying to Ryo was the best idea. He probably already told Katerina everything too. When my dad comes home I'm telling him everything...