Chapter 12

On my way to the gym, I start recording myself talking for an English assignment, Mr. McHale likes to hear our pronunciation and I talk to myself anyway so I might as well kill two birds with one stone, especially at the 2nd deadest time of the day, 12 pm. I start having a conversation with myself about how I have some of the best English pronunciation in the class since I speak it more often than Japanese (my mom despite being Japanese is from Birmingham, Alabama so I grew up speaking English since her Japanese sucked and even when she left us, I just got used to mostly speaking in English). I make it to the crosswalk with the phone in my pocket still recording myself talking while on my way to the gym.

Ryo catches up to me, he had nothing on him thankfully.

"Yo." He said.

"Yo. What dja need?" I replied.

"I just want you to know that I know you know Katerina and I are robbers, you have no proof, so just stay quiet and no one gets hurt." He said.

What a coincidence my phone is recording.

"Y'all have to stay away from me." I said.

"Already done we already quit our jobs and I'll be out of your hair in 2 months when we graduate." He said.

"I'm also banning you from the Uncord group."

"That's fine. Just keep quiet. Remember, I know where you live."

"Let's see." I replied.

We didn't shake on it and my answer was neutral, I didn't agree nor disagree but he felt like I agreed. This man's so smart but so dumb. XD. While I'm very dumb but smart with these little things.

Ryo left and I went back on my way to the gym.

That was a very cringy 2 minutes of my day. He was so awkward and dumb. Such a shame, very smart book-wise, but he has less common sense than someone from Gen Z. I have evidence now so I can go to the police after the gym, what a sucker. Man my storytelling quality felt like it went down 2 levels. The problem with recording your life in your own brain, your IQ goes down with every idiot that you talk to.

I finally make it to the gym and get ready to work out. I don't see Freedom, she has a car so I assume she probably has 5+ classes if she's not here already.

So I decide to start my normal training routine. I work out for an hour like usual.

I go to the court and she isn't there. I check the gym and she isn't there. I think she ghosted me. I probably creeped her out.

Dang I'm so cringe. Or she could just have 6 classes.

I decided to go eat out for once. Food is the best friend of misery. I have extra money so why not right.

I go to my favorite burger joint: Red Raven and I order a Gouda Burger with their bottomless fries and a Diet Joke.

I eat and halfway through my meal...

"Hey I thought you would be at the gym today. Are you ghosting me?" Freedom texted.

"Nope, you weren't there so I worked out and you still weren't there. I assumed you probably have 6 classes so I went to go eat lunch." I said.

"Oh you don't? Man we probably should have cleared that up earlier." she sent.

"Yeah we are both definitely very smart." I texted sarcastically.

"How about we go to dinner today? Going Dutch of course" Man I love a straightforward lady.

"Sure what time and where." I sent.

"6 o clock. And send me your address. I'll pick you up. It's a special place I found."

"See you in 4 hours then. Do I gotta look fancy?"

"See you and nah, casual clothes. Just as long as it ain't super cringe."

"Aight see you."

I immediately text Lisa while I finish eating.

"GIIIIIIIIRL, I got asked out by Freedom."

"NO WAYYYYYYYY. Don't break her heart and I hope she doesn't break yours."

"This is a casual friend date."

"Nevermind. Lol."

I walk home and it takes about 10 minutes since Red Raven is closer to my house...