Chapter 14

Why did I forget to take a picture with her? I'm so cringe.

I walk in through the door and my dad and Kailani are making out on the couch.

"Hi!" I said. Thankfully, nothing that would make me want to rip my eyes out was happening.

"Yo, how was your date?" My dad asked.

"It was great."

"What did y'all do?"

"We drove 20 minutes away to eat alligator fries, talk and then I took her to a nearby bridge."

"No children?"

"You know I'm not like that."

"Just checking, Idk how your girlfriend is."

"This was our first date what the heck dad!"

"Sorry cringe 2020 flashbacks make me really just want to make sure about stuff."

"Well thanks for caring about me I guess."

"I forgot to say hi Kailani."

"Hi." she said.

Dad's being awkward...

I go to my room and watch anime and then I get a call from the police.

"What are the full names of the perps?" the officer asks me in Japanese.

"Katerina Ivanov and Ryo Ikogane." I tell him.

"How do you know Ryo?" He asks.

"We were associates, kind of friends but not really. We also work at the same Del Burrito with Katerina." I tell him.

"And how did you know that they robbed the Bank of the Pacific?"

"A woman that looked exactly like Katerina robbed the Del Burrito I work at. When I saw the news on the Bank of the Pacific robbery, I saw the exact same woman. Katerina started acting weird the day after the first robbery. Then when I was working on an assignment 2 days later Ryo admitted to the whole thing since he didn't notice my phones was still recording in my pocket. That time is when he admitted to it."

"Okay thank you sir. We will send you a reward. I think they said it was like 5 grand or something for the reward." The officer said.

I got very excited. Two positive things in the same day.

I decide to tell my boss that I'll take my one week vacation.

I text her,

"Can I take the week off? I want to get to know this girl I like."

"Next week, we just had two people quit."

I comply. There are a bunch of kids that wanna work for 22 an hour so getting new employees is easy. I guess I gotta wait a week. I feel like I really need a break though.

"Oh yeah, I'ma have you start late on Saturday, at 12 pm." the manager texted me.

"Fine, but only this Saturday."

"I already have new employees, but they need to be trained so the week after your vacation you will have your normal schedule." she says.

"Okay good."

I chill on my bed and then about 3 hours later around 11:30...

"Hey." Freedom texts.

"Hey." I reply. We are so awkward.

"So when should we invite our friends to bowl. This weekend?" she asks.

"Next week works, my manager told me I have to work til 8 pm on Saturday and most of my friends have a 10 pm curfew."

"Mine too, next week works then."

"Want me to invite you to the Uncord chat?"

"Yeah sure."

I also go to ban Ryo but he already left.

"Why isn't Ryo here?" Karen asks. He's her best friend besides her boyfriend.

"He left." I replied.

"Rip." she texts.

"Dang this group is huge." Freedom sends.

"Who's this?" Karen replies.

"Denshi's friend." Freedom replies.

"Welcome I guess."

They start chatting and I get sick of it so I go to sleep...