Chapter 22

The next day I just chill. Freedom and I also play games and talk about books and our day and all that.

This happened for my entire spring break vacation besides Monday when it was date day.

But the rest of the school year passes by...

I ended up getting the only A+ in the calculus final, which was the AP test. Don't ask how I got so good at calculus I have no idea.

All of my friends and my girlfriend go to college this year. I got accepted to many colleges but never got a scholarship worth more than a couple grand. Wasn't gonna do that to myself with all that debt.

But thankfully...

Manager Sakura got her own franchise in Del Burrito only about a 10 minute drive away from her home. So the one I work at needed a manager and was willing to pay a certain someone (me) $26 an hour to be one and she trained me before she left... This is $54,000 a year and I just do what I've been doing plus a little more like hiring and firing. I don't know if I wanna become a franchisee or start a business after this. Or invest in stocks or crypto and keep working until I trade to be a millionaire. No idea honestly.

Well today is my first day as a manager, things are looking up for me honestly, I hope.

I make it to work, I get everything situated. This was an easy job, maybe like 10% harder than my old position. I literally just grab the spreadsheet for schedules and fill it in.

I try to be a cool boss, I mean I'm 18 and a manager, while it may be at a fast food place, I make 8 dollars more an hour than minimum wage. Which means I make 64 bucks more a day than a minimum wage worker, and the best thing is, Honshu has one of the lowest income tax rates in the country due to being so populated for a small space. Yeah the average 1 bedroom apartment is like $2200, but I can save up and pay partial rent with my dad for at least another 3 years. I already got this all figured out...

On my first day as manager, Dvonte messed up on the fries and burnt them, and a bunch of other things went wrong today. I had to keep the flow straight so I can be lazy and just be a glorified cashier. This job is easy until those under you mess up. This job is kinda stressful honestly. But the pay is so much better than what I was making, 4 more dollars an hour isn't bad at all.

I basically just have Kaido, Dvonte, and Sakaki working for me (I've worked here longer than her for a whole week XD), except on nights when I have the old couple work.

I know just talking about work is boring, but seriously my life is kinda boring, more boring than talking to my girlfriend's dad about oil. I kinda just, text, go on dates, work, and chill on the daily... Oh well...