Chapter 29

First we call my friends, Freedom hit it off with Lisa and Dvonte, not so much with Karen and Kaido. And Josh is afraid of her. So we just call Lisa and Dvonte.

"Yo, how's Australia? You gonna bring us any souvenirs?" Lisa went straight to the point.

"It's cool, and maybe with them souvenirs, Melbourne ain't too much of a tourist destination." Freedom replied.

"Have y'all had any alcohol? I hear 18 year olds can drink there." Dvonte asked.

"Three days in a row so far bro." I reply.

We talk about random stuff for a bit. Lisa is starting to design her new line while still working under that lady she works for. Dvonte starts training before school even starts which I find very funny.

After that we talk to my Dad and Kailani and then her parents...

"Hey boy! Have y'all done anything that may fuel my rage?" He asked absolutely pissed.

"She got drunk and I didn't. She got spicy, but I didn't want to die so I refused." I reply.

"Wait that's what happened when I was drunk?" Freedom asked.

"Indeed." I reply.

"Dang boy I'm surprised. Self control, not many boys your age have any. I guess you're a decent kid. But I'm still watching you." Me. Nqaxombo directs at me.

"Your tone of voice when you spoke about my end reminded me of two very specific people I'll have to move out of state to avoid in 5 and a half years."

"I see."

We talk about other stuff. Her mom's replacement hearing aids haven't come yet so she still can't hear much. Thankfully they all know sign language, but I don't so I just wave after they're done talking.

"So I almost got you killed?" Freedom asks after turning off the video call.

"We should eat while we drink alcohol. Bread and other just heavy foods to prevent you from becoming like that again." I reply.

"Makes sense."

We chat about other random things. Play video games. And then she jumps onto my bed and just snuggles.

After a bit of TV watching. We fall asleep around 11 pm...