Chapter 32

Today is day 6 of our vacation. We really don't have much to do left. It's kinda just go to the beach, drink alcohol, and try not to die.

"Hey want to just chill today? We've already pretty much did everything we came here for." I ask Freedom.

"Y'know we've done mostly what I wanted, what did you want in this vacation?" Freedom replied.

"We already did it."

"What was it?"

"Drink alcohol and go to the beach. I also got to save someone's life. That was on my bucket list..."

"That's it? Well I guess we can chill. I have nothing else I want to do. I want to go to Tasmania but we can save that for some other time."

"I hear Tasmania has the cleanest beach in the world."

"More reason to come back then."

"Wanna go grab some more alcohol?"


We never got drunk (besides her that one time) so we didn't get any withdrawals. We make it to the liquor store to buy more canned wine.

"Open up the register!" We didn't enter yet, this guy had a gun.

"Should I livestream it?" Freedom asked me.

"Nah, do you want to get killed?"

"Unfun, you've lived through a robbery."

"The lady pointed the gun at me."

"Still unfun."

"If you're dead I'll have to go off-grid, let's go."

"Fine." she said begrudgingly.

We go to the Moonbucks across the street and GUESS WHAT.

"OPEN UP THE REGISTER!" This dude sounded just like the other guy, must be his twin.

"OH COME ON! Again?" I say pissed.

"Turn off your phone! Let's---" I say to Freedom... and she's already recording.

"Wait a sec..." she replies.

"Come on let's go! You wanna get shot?" I get heated. I think this is maybe the second time I've ever started the fight.

"You can't deny that the scar would be sexy."

"If you live! I can just ask Arakis to do her makeup magic on you, she owes me anyway."

"Fine but we're eating alligator fries when we get home and you're paying."

"Deal, can we not get shot now?"

"Ugh, fine."

"Are you two newlyweds?" a third dude that sounded just like the other two came in.

"No" Freedom being sassy.

"Well missy you're gonna have tah delete the video I saw you take or I'll have to blow your brains out!"

"What time are you from 2010?"


"Okay fine I'll do it!"

She finally deleted the video. It was already on Instargraf though, but this guy seems old enough to not know that you can set that up on Anderoid phones. He's probably a cringe Pineapple user like all those people from the early 2000s.

"Okay go now and leave!" The old fart said.

"That was fun." Freedom said laughing. She wasn't afraid one bit.

"You're crazy, that's what I love about you. But you gotta be at least a little less reckless." I tell her.

"Yeah, yeah."

We make it back to the hotel after going 3 streets away to the next closest liquor store and just chill in the jacuzzi until we become prunes drinking alcohol. The blood pressure again rose in (many) more ways than one.

We started to watch "The Slow And The Angry" franchise. Ten movies they have. Thankfully, this is a home theatre, and we probably won't sleep til 6 am today. And also thankfully, the plane takes off on Saturday at 8 am, not tomorrow, so that's good at least.

At 6 am on the dot, we fall sleep snuggling (again, like seriously why did she waste 30 dollars on that body pillow if she was gonna fall asleep next to me anyway).