Chapter 5

Tonight, with the stars in the sky, it is a beautiful sight for Revan who is now sitting by the window of his room, looking at the sky filled with sparkling stars.

He finished studying after helping his father sell meatballs around his village. Revan feels happy when he gets the best grades and gets gifts from school. Every hour he gets a gift he gives it and presents it to his father.

"I'm very happy to see dad smile, I promise I will study even harder to become a successful person in the future," said Revan while spreading his smile and looking up at the sky filled with moonlight and sparkling stars.

Having a small and simple house makes Revan's heart very happy and more grateful because he is given a decent place to live with his father. Build a small business selling meatballs, the results of which are sufficient to meet the daily needs of he and his father.

Meanwhile outside his room, at the dining table, Prapto was sitting alone and silently thinking about his son. Prapto feels very proud of Revan who always shows extraordinary achievements.

Prapto didn't stop praying for his son in every prostration so that his son would become a useful person, a successful person so that he would not be abandoned and not oppressed.

About Revan who was often bullied by Rintan, Prapto didn't know about it at all because his son never told him about it.

"Revan," Prapto called to his son who was sitting beside the bedroom window.

Revan who heard the call from his father immediately stood up from his seat and walked out of his room to his father who was at the dining table.

"Yeah? What's wrong with calling Revan?" Revan asked his father.

"You sit down first," Prapto replied to his son.

Revan then sat down in front of his father to hear what his father had to say.

"How was your school today?" Prapto asked Revan.

Revan is silent and remembers what happened at school when he was bullied by Rintan, always asked by Rintan to do all the tasks she and Rintan's two best friends.

Revan smiled at his father expressing himself that his school today was fine.

"Very good, like the previous days," Revan replied to his father with a smile.

Prapto felt happy and calm to hear the answer that came out of his son's mouth. After that, he then asked Revan to immediately have dinner and after that, he went to sleep because tomorrow Revan left for school early in the morning.

"Now you eat, then go to sleep," Prapto said to Revan and was manned by his son.



A light breeze moved the tree branches around Revan's house. Where this morning the young boy was wearing his shoes in the living room of his house, he will soon go to school.

Prapto just came out of his room and found his son wearing shoes in the living room.

"Be careful going to school, don't speed. Just relax okay," said Prapto to Revan.

"Okay, Dad," said Revan to his father.

After the teenage boy had put on his shoes, he stood up from his seat shook hands with his father, and then walked out of his house on his motorbike and went to school.

Meanwhile, Rintan is now still sleeping soundly under his warm blanket and not listening to the alarm clock that has been standing echoing in all corners of his room.

Rani who heard Rintan's alarm from downstairs immediately rushed up the stairs to her daughter's room. She turned off her daughter's alarm which had been ringing but had not been turned off because Rintan was still asleep under the covers.

Rani is surprised to see her daughter who still hasn't woken up even though it's already 6.30. Rani opened the blanket that covered her daughter's entire body and then woke her up.

"Rintan let's wake up, honey. Why are you still sleeping? Let's wake up Rintan!" Rani said firmly to Rintan who was still fast asleep under the blanket.

Rintan who felt disturbed immediately woke up from her sleep. Rintan then sat down and yawned for a moment.

"What's wrong?" asked Rintan in the voice of someone who had just woken up and had not opened her eyes.

"Are you in school or not? What time is it you are not ready and even your eyes are still closed!" said Rani firmly to her daughter.

Rintan took the alarm that was on her desk and saw that it was already 6.30 and in a few minutes, the school bell would ring. Rintan hurriedly took a shower without taking a towel she didn't care about it and took a quick shower.

On the other side, Revan arrived at school safely and he made sure his motorbike was in a special motorbike parking lot at his school. He took off his helmet and only then walked down the corridor to his class.

Just as he was about to enter the classroom, two beautiful girls confronted him in front of the class.

"Today we both picket, you have to sweep the whole class," Devika said to Revan while throwing the broom she previously held to Revan.

Revan immediately accepted the broom and nodded his head in agreement with Devika's request who asked him to sweep the whole class. Winda, who saw this, was silent and lazy to argue early in the morning with Devika, which in the end she would give in again.

Revan put his bag on his bench and started sweeping the classroom. Devika saw that she still didn't accept it and wanted to give Revan more work. Devika walked to the blackboard and filled the scribbles on the board and the books on the teacher's desk which were originally neatly arranged, she made a mess so she could ask Revan to tidy them up.

Winda, who saw this, could only remain silent and lament the fate of Revan, who would later erase the blackboard which was full of scribbles, and tidy up the books that were previously neatly arranged by Devika.

"Revan, it's dirty and messy you clean up. Later, if there are teachers who teach us, we can get angry if they are not neat and clean," Devika said to Revan.

Again, Revan just nodded in agreement with what Devika asked. He continued to sweep the classroom floor clean and then wiped the board up and arranged the books on the teacher's desk.

Just as Revan finished sweeping until he cleaned up the books the bell rang and all the students of SMA Brawijaya entered the class. All students sat in their respective places to take part in today's lesson.

"Why hasn't Rintan come yet?" Devika asked Winda.

"Yes, how come you haven't come to school yet, where the bell has rung, the gate has been closed," Winda answered while shrugging her shoulders.

Revan who heard that he was worried, what if Rintan got punished? I don't know if he can only stay silent, because it's useless if he makes a sound, Rintan will scold him.