Chapter 76

Still in the park near the canteen where Marklee and his two friends as well as Revan, Aditya, Anggika, and Diana are also still there because the bell hasn't rung yet.

"Are you telling the truth or is it just an excuse not to spread the problem?" Aditya asked Anggika and Diana.

"They are looking for problems with Rintan," Marklee replied to Aditya and Revan.

"You country boys don't have to interfere!" Marklee added firmly to Revan.

"Are you causing trouble?" Revan asked Anggika and Diana.

"It doesn't take much work to find the same problems that are often troublemakers," Diana answered so curtly at Revan while glancing sharply at Marklee and Marklee's two friends.

Anggika was still silent listening to what her best friend would say to Marklee and also Marklee's two friends.