Chapter 119

Finished on the phone with Revan, Anggika then put her cellphone on the nightstand and was about to walk out of the room to go downstairs to help her mother who is currently cooking in the kitchen preparing dinner.

But when he was about to open the door to his room to leave the room his cellphone which he put on the nightstand rang and he didn't go out of the room to see who was calling him.

Knowing that it was Dion who called him, he knew very well that this was not Dion but Raka. It didn't take long for Anggika to answer the call from Dion and the phone line was connected.

Just when the phone was connected he had heard Raka's voice on the other side. Raka immediately said about himself who managed to get close to Diana's mother and also a little approach with Diana even though he wasn't really close.