inkosi brother's POV

[thank you all for 4k views, this chapter will be updated every combat encounter starting from the chapter: cero morado ]

"DAMN YOU ALMA, WHY MUST YOU LEAVE ALL THE FUN TO HIM?!?!?!? AM I JUST SUPPOSED TO STAY HERE AND ROT AWAY....BULLSHIT, IM GOING TO FORCE YOU TO BE TRAPPED HERE WHILE I TAKE CONTROL" a humanoid hollow with bat like wings curses into a black void "cálmate, estás siendo demasiado ruidoso" inkosi yamadimoni says as he pats inkosi yesibili's shoulder with his beastly paw"Vi lo bien que te lo estabas pasando ahí arriba, ni siquiera intentes mentir al respecto." yesibili complained as he threw a tantrum in the endless dark"¿Qué tal si la próxima vez que te pida que salgas las próximas 3 veces y no mates, trato?" yamadimoni asks smugly"bien, pero no cuenta para el conteo si nunca llego a pelear cuando me llaman" "acuerdo" they both make a seal with their fingers "juro con el juramento del rey permanecer fiel a mi trato" the darkness turns white for just a second before turning back