Chapter 8 Mr Dux Makes An Appearance


An ear-splitting explosion rocked the building. The ground shook under their feet, causing Tian Wen to loosen his hold on Nanako. Disbelief came over the major's face as he realised that they were under attack.

"Check on the prisoners!" he hollered at the corporal, shoving the latter rudely. The corporal scuttled away hurriedly from the scene before he incurred the major's wrath any further.

Fresh explosions came in quick succession, dislodging large chunks of concrete from the ceiling which landed on the floor with leaden thumps. The children screamed in terror and in the confusion, Tian Wen let go of Nanako. Realising that she was no longer restrained, Nanako choked back a sob and ran towards her father.

Before she could reach the major, however, a large piece of concrete plummeted from the ceiling and landed squarely on the major's head. Nanako shrieked upon seeing the broken state of her father and fell to her knees, wailing in despair.

"Let's get out of here!" shouted Chong Kun.

"No! I have to get my father!" Tian Wen insisted, sprinting towards the door which the corporal had entered earlier.

His impetuous flight towards the prison cells was checked by a stream of unkempt Chinese men who poured into the lobby. Some were young, others older but all were making their way steadily towards the entrance. The lucky ones managed to shuffle along on their own but some of the men had to be helped.

"They must be the Chinese who were imprisoned by the Japanese," Emma realised. "Tian Wen, go look for your father, we'll do what we can to help and meet you outside. It's not safe to stay here any longer." She turned to the other two boys. "Please," she implored beseechingly, "let's get them all out of here."

Chong Kun nodded but made no move towards any prisoner. He walked up to Emma instead, saying, "I want to apologise for calling you a coward. All of us could see that you were terrified of approaching the major but you did it nonetheless. That was very brave of you. I just wanted to let you know." Blushing beet red, for he was not given to uttering such mushy words, he threw Emma a quick smile and scampered over to help one of the prisoners who was having difficulty walking.

"I wonder where the Japanese soldiers are," Brandon mused. "I really don't want to be captured and placed in one of their other detention centres. We know that it's not time for the Japanese invasion to end in Singapore yet."

Emma looked to the rear of the procession of prisoners. They were followed by a squad of uniformed Chinese men who directed the captives towards the entrance. As the uniformed men went by, Emma overheard them congratulating one another on the success of their mission. One man also reported that the Japanese captors had been captured and confined to the cells previoulsy housing the prisoners.

Laying the arm of a crippled man gently across her shoulder, Emma said, "I don't think you need to worry. If I remember correctly, those uniformed men belong to Force 136, the anti-Japanese resistance which Lim Bo Seng was an integral member of."

"Who's Lim Bo Seng?" Brandon was mystified.

"You must have been sleeping in Mrs Selvi's class again," scolded Emma. "Lim Bo Seng was one of Singapore's greatest war heroes. Sadly, he was betrayed and tortured to death by the Japanese in June 1944."

"Oh, I see. Well, let's do what we can, then," said Brandon, and went forward to hold up another prisoner whose face was so emaciated that he gave new meaing to the term 'skin and bones'.

"Your friend is absolutely right," someone behind them confirmed in faultless English.

"Who said that?" Emma asked Brandon in faltering tones.

Turning around, Emma and Brandon found themselves looking up at a man garbed in the same uniform as the Force 136 resistance fighters. His attire was well-maintained, and Emma could even see the crisp crease lines in the pants. It was as if the outfit had just come out of a wardrobe, but Emma told herself not to be ridiculous. The man was of medium height and had a light tan complexion. He also had a kind face, twinkling eyes and a warm smile. Emma found him very familiar but could not place the face. She puzzled over the matter for a moment, then recalled where she had seen the man before.

"You're the man whom I saw in the alley! You were at Tian Wen's house too," Emma made the identification.

"You are absolutely right, young lady," the gentleman beamed. "I am Mr Dux. Come, let us help these unfortunate men out of the building and then we had better make ourselves scarce. Some of the Japanese soldiers may have managed to sound the alarm before they were captured. Other Japanese soldiers could be on their way here even as we speak. Later on, I will tell you more about myself."

Two lorries, with their engines idling, were parked in the street. They would transport men who required medical attention to private clinics staffed by doctors sympathetic to the rebel cause. As soon as the first of the prisoners left the Kempeitai Headquarters, willing hands reached out to help them into the vehicles.

Emma and Brandon had just seen their charges lifted into one of the lorries when someone tapped Brandon on the shoulder. It was Tian Wen, and he had his arms around the shoulders of a haggard-looking man who had a wound oozing blood. Chong Kun stood beside the pair.

"This is my father," Tian Wen said with a radiant smile. "Thank you both for your help in getting my father out of this terrible place." Tian Wen's father nodded his thanks as well.

"Oh, we didn't do much," demurred Emma. "You need to thank Force 136 instead."

"Well, you were willing to come along and help me to appeal to the Japanese, and you don't even know me! I'm very grateful to you, and of course to Chong Kun too," added Tian Wen, giving his friend a hearty slap on his back. "I will never forget your kindness and courage." Tian Wen's eyes glistened with tears. "I'm going to bring my father home now. Just imagine how happy Tian Ya will be!"

As the two boys departed with Tian Wen's father, Emma and Brandon looked around. The lorries had left and the lobby of the dreaded Kempeitai Headquarters was deserted. The children turned to Mr Dux and were about to ask him to continue with his story when they heard muffled sobs emanating from within the building. The same thought struck Emma and Brandon simultaneously.

"Nanako!" they exclaimed.

The children rushed back into the building with Mr Dux in their wake. They found Nanako still cradling her father, who was lying motionless on the floor. The major's eyes were closed but he was still breathing. Mr Dux squatted beside the major and spoke to the little girl in fluent Japanese.

Emma translated breathlessly for Brandon. Mr Dux was comforting Nanako and assuring her that he would personally bring her and her father home.

"Make your way to Bras Basah Road and look for the Hock Lock Kee coffee house. They sell delicious Western cuisine. Here, let me pass you some money. Order some food and drinks for yourselves, you must be famished after all the excitement of the day," instructed Mr Dux, getting to his feet. "Wait for me there while I bring Nanako and her father home. Even though we're at war, I can't turn away and leave an injured person to die. There is already too much grief and sorrow in war. We must do what we can to alleviate the pain."

As Mr Dux was speaking, he aimed his watch at Nanako and her father, and then gave the screen a few taps. He peered at the watch closely and appeared to be satisfied with what he saw. Signalling to two Force 136 soldiers who had remained behind, Mr Dux requested for them to bring a stretcher so that they could transport to a vehicle. Mr Dux then left, holding Nanako's hand, followed by the two soldiers bearing the major on a stretcher.

"Wait," Emma cried suddenly. She had just spied Misaki on the ground. She ran up to Mr Dux and Nanako. "She forgot her doll." She straightened the doll's dress and handed it over to Nanako.