Chapter 92

  Story 17All-Inclusive

  "We need to get some of that," said Gerome, and patted my back.

  What he was talking about, were the two German girls eating ice cream by the pool. They were both blondes and in their early twenties. One had a cone with what I suspected was chocolate and strawberry and the other straight-up vanilla, two scoops. They licked the scream painfully slow and I knew they knew we were watching them. The one to the left, wearing a light yellow bikini lowered her sunglasses and waved at us.

  Gerome waved back. "See, they want us."

  "Too bad the company policy is not to fuck the customers," I said and turned him around.

  We walked along the pool away from the girls and headed for the lobby. It was late July and the tourist complex was full. The hotel had beds for almost two thousand customers and there wasn't an empty bed anywhere.