Chapter 6

  Jean's P. O. V

  We hopped off the plane and outside of it are full of Matteo's men waiting for him patiently. One, in particular, is in front of them, probably Matteo's right-hand man. He is wearing a black suit like the rest of them, wearing shades, and earphones on their ear.

  He seems to be a little familiar though which is strange considering I have never been to Italy. We hardly travel a lot because I was too busy focusing on academics. Who knew all those hard work will disappear in a snap?

  I walked down on the staircase, Matteo right in front of me. His right-hand man greeted him with a bow, showing respect. "How was everything while I'm gone, Keith?" Matteo asked the man,

  My eyes widened. Keith? Do you mean Keith Cooper? The Keith who was Matt and I's friend in high school? I glanced unto him to get a better look.

  The last time I have seen him was graduation day from high school so I am hardly familiar with what he looks like now. He removed his sunglasses and cleared his throat. My head unconsciously nodded with my mouth open in realization. It is him. "We have successfully handled the issues with the Romanos. Everything went well with ease," he stated.

  "Keith," I muttered and he looked at me, gave me a small smile as a greeting. I smiled back. At least he is more polite than my cranky husband-to-be. "How are you?" I asked,

  "Enough of this chatter. Keith, take Jean home to my manor. You can continue this catching up later," Matteo butted in.

  "You're not going to come with me?" I asked him,

  "No, I have important matters to go to. I'll be home by tonight. Keith, teach her what she's supposed to do," Matteo instructed. Keith nodded in response and took my luggage from a guard. He led me to a car while Matteo left without even saying goodbye.

  "What happened to him?" I asked Keith, "He's been acting all strange lately. That's not very him."

  "Let's just say, 7 years with his father alone is not the best thing to happen," Keith explained.

  "I know his father is not that nice but could he be that bad? Matt is not someone to easily cower." I stated,

  "Well, if that's the case, you're not familiar with the Morettis yet," Keith remarked. He opened the car door for me and after I took my seat, he went and hopped in the driver's seat. He started the engine and started driving. "Matteo should really be the one to answer your questions, Jean."

  "What are you doing here, by the way?" I asked Keith,

  "Well, my family aren't as rich as both of you. On the day of graduation, Matteo's father said he saw something in me and asked me to come with them here. My parents just see it as me skipping college and got lucky that I instantly get a well-paying job. They trained me to fight for two years. Matteo considers me as the only man he trusts that's why I'm his right hand. My skills are just a bonus," he explained, chuckling at his joke in his last sentence.

  "So you've been going around places doing deals for him in the past seven years huh?" I asked,

  "Nope, Matteo gave me a rather much special mission. Well, for him."

  "What's that?"

  "He sent me back to America and asked me to watch over you." Keith stated, "Let me tell you, for being part of a mafia, that is one boring job. Imagine watching someone look at books all day?"

  "Wait what? You've been stalking me?!" I exclaimed,

  "It's my job. You are to be the future Don's wife. That title is enough to get you killed by enemies, Jean." Keith stated, "People will use you against Matteo. He sent me to protect you and to test your faithfulness to him. I applaud you on that, by the way.

  "Did anyone try to threaten my life, though?" I asked curiously,

  "Yep, many times actually. Why do you love to study out so late and go home alone? It makes you easy prey." Keith complained,

  "What did you do to them? Did you kill them?" I asked,

  "I did what I have to do."

  "I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm so careless." I apologized,

  "It's fine. It's my job. Why don't you just praise me instead because the whole time you did not have a clue?" He joked, "We're here now."

  I looked at the home in front of us and gasped. It is much bigger than their home back in the U.S. and the fact that only Matteo lives here baffles me. Who needs that much space for a person who's hardly home?

  Keith parked the car and carried my suitcase. He led me to the second floor and opened a room. I turned on the lights. My eyes widened at the amount of space a single bedroom has. "This is Matteo's bedroom. He said this is where you'll settle in. You are ought to sleep beside him every night. You cannot rest until he's home. You can put your clothes in that walk-in closet of yours to the right. After you're done, go down the living room and I'll teach you the rest, okay? Be quick. You have a lot to do." Keith instructed and I nodded in response. He closed the door to the room.

  I sighed and pulled my suitcase to the walk-in closet he pointed at. I opened the door and was again shocked at the sight that I see. It was already filled with clothes. At first, I thought it will be empty and would later be filled up by my money laundering habits. I scanned each clothing hanged and the majority of them were my kind of clothes. I smiled, maybe he still does care about me or else, why would he buy clothes that he knew I like?

  I tried to find places for the remaining clothes and shoes I have in my suitcase. Once I was finished I went down to meet Keith at the kitchen having a snack while looking at his phone. When he noticed I was there he turned his phone off and looked at me, "Wow that was fast. That's a good thing," he commended.

  "You are not from a mafia family. Well, you are but, you are not a hundred percent aware. In the world of Mafia, especially the Morettis, women's purpose is to serve the men in the family," Keith explained,

  "What? Like clean, cook, and stuff? I am supposed to be a doctor and this is what I am to do my whole life?!" I complained,

  "It is what it has to be, Jean." Keith said apologetically, "Don't worry you don't have to clean. That's what the maids are for.

  However, you are the one to serve Matteo his food. You have to make it yourself. You know how to cook already, you love doing that. I kind of miss your pasta though."

  He continued, "Anyway, when Matteo comes in, sits down for dinner, you must taste the food in front of him. The food that is sitting on his plate."

  "What? Why?" I asked,

  "To see if there's poison."

  "Why would I poison him?"

  "To continue, again, you cannot sleep until your husband has arrived. You must wait for him. You do not eat with him. You eat after he eats or once he permits you to do so. Everything you do depends on the approval of your husband. Is that clear?"

  "Am I his slave? Why do I need his permission on everything? If in case I die of cancer, do I have to ask him, 'Hey, can I die now?' Is that what you mean?" I asked, baffled by the instructions he just gave.

  "Jean, you're not in your palace anymore. You're in the world of mafia now. A world where people like you exist to serve and bow into submission. Jean, I want you to be safe okay? Just submit, please. Follow whatever he asks and you'll be fine I promise you," Keith pleaded, "I have somewhere to go now. Do what you have to do. Matteo might be home in an hour, okay?"

  Keith ran off and I was left alone in the kitchen. I sighed and stared blankly at the walls. I took a deep breath and looked at the pantry for whatever is available. Pasta, chicken, steaks, a few spices, a couple of fruits, etc. I decided to make him Chicken Pesto that is paired with garlic bread. After an hour, I managed to finish and plate his meal nicely on the table. I paired his meal with a glass of sparkling water. I took a seat beside the table and waited patiently for him. Majority of the time I was just daydreaming. I yawned, the jet lag has been tiring me up all day.

  I rested my chin on my palm, trying to stop myself from sleeping. I tried my best to keep my eyes open but was eventually defeated by the darkness.

  "What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I shoot my head up in panic knowing it was Matteo and immediately stood up.

  "I-I'm sorry. I was tired from the jet lag and didn't know I dozed off," I apologized, looking down. Submission will get me through this. Maybe if I get on his good side, he will take me back to medical school. That's all I want at this point, really. Everything seems to be so hopeless nowadays.

  "You are not allowed to sleep until I come home. Didn't Keith tell you that?" Matteo asked in a low tone voice, sending shivers down my spine.

  "N-no. He did tell me. I was just really tired. I'm sorry." I said. I noticed his food is cold and his drink is at room temperature. "I'll reheat that for you. Just a minute."

  I took the plate and put the pasta back on the pan, trying to reheat it for a short while.

  I replaced his sparkling water with a fresh glass. I returned to the dining room and served him the food. He was there sitting patiently. He looked at the food in front of me and was just staring at it. I gulped. Does he not want it?

  "What's wrong? Do you want me to make a different one?" I asked. He looked into my eyes with a raised brow then the realization hit me. I was supposed to taste it. I immediately grabbed a fork and took a small bite from his pasta and bread.




  "I said kneel."

  "Why do I have to kneel? I'm not a d—" I said but he cut me off by pulling my hair down until my knees fell to the floor and smacked my head harshly that my face fell flat on the floor. I whimpered silently, my hair is covering my face and my eyes are watering up again. I have been taking him lightly that I honestly think that it was just a façade of his, that this was just a game he was playing. Maybe I was just being in denial all along, not wanting to accept the fact that this is who he is now. He just raised his hand on me and hit me.

  "I almost thought you were being a good girl. That's where you are meant to be, on the floor, kneeling in front of me. Know your place. You will be punished after this. You need to learn," he said.