Chapter 40


  Matteo's P. O. V

  I listened to the reports of each of my staff in their respective companies under my name. Some are stating their propositions in regard to new projects, hoping for my approval on each one of them. I tried my best to keep the focus on the meetings for the whole day, waiting for the time to pass and all this to be over. Handling all these and works we do outside from all this, what is even the point?

  It has been more than a year and a half since Jean left and yet I cannot still keep my mind off of her. I drown myself in alcohol and cigarettes to keep myself from thinking of her but she always manages to make her way through. I hardly even had any sleep since then. I have not been with or had another woman ever since. I still think I would betray her if I did, unconsciously hoping that she would come back, though it is too obvious to think that it could be true.