Chapter 3

  Another blinked immediately she heard her husband’s voice, Virgin?

  Of course, she's still a virgin.

  She's just an eighteen years old high school dropout, and she barely leaves the house. So where did she want to see a man that would shove his dick down her pussy?

  The only sexual experience she had was when she rubs her clit inside her room and fantasies about the men she reads about in the books her sister always do the pleasure of helping her get from the book stores with the pocket money given to her by their father.

  Apart from that, she's as innocent as virgin Mary.

  She haven't even kissed or touch again a man before until today at the court registry.

  “Yes Peter, I'm a virgin, ” Anna slowly answered, as she looked down at her food and eat the last bit of the sandwich.

  Upon hearing her confirming that she was really a virgin, Peter felt an unexpected feeling of lust run down his hair down to his crotch, he couldn't stop himself from imagining touching and exploring his new innocent wife.

  Even though he won’t have sex with her now, he's going to make sure that he knows that her pussy warmth felt like with his index and middle fingers.

  “You know what happens every marriage night, right?” Peter asked his little wife gently draped a serviette gently on the corner of her mouth and slowly licked his lips.

  That mouth..

  Upon hearing her husband question, Anna instantly shivered, “Ye… Yes, ” She managed to let out, when she realized what he meant.

  They were going to have sex.

  Her virginity which she had promised herself to give to the man who will cherish and love her will be snatched by the man she was sold to by her father.

  Anna felt her eyes prickled with tears, but she immediately sniffed it back and acted as if there was nothing wrong.

  Well, it wasn't that she wasn't expecting this because if she said that she wasn't expecting to have sex with the old man, she will be lying to herself.

  Since her father said, her only usefulness to Peter is to give him children as if she was just a breeding machine.

  Since it's just sex, she will do it.

  “Well, if you are done eating, go upstairs and freshen up. The master's room is on the left. Just take your bath and wait for me on the bed, ” Peter said as he indicated to the steps in front of them.

  Anna instantly stood up and made her way upstairs .

  It won't hurt, I only have to calm down. It's better than getting beaten and treated like a slave.

  At Least now, she can eat and sleep anytime she wants.

  And it wasn't as if the sex is going to last all night. She will endure it. Anna reminded herself under the shower after entering the master room.

  ‘She's finally going to have sex’ Anna thought. Even though it's not how she had wanted, she's finally going to experience sexual intercourse with another human.

  Regardless of how old he was, Anna was still excited because he was her husband and she better start getting adapted to the sex else she might never have a good sexual experience all her life.

  It was after a few minutes when Anna took her bath and lay gently on the bed after wearing the red nightgown she saw on the bed earlier when Peter entered the master room.

  He raised his head to see Anna's womanly figure on the bed, waiting for him and he instantly got hard at the thought.

  “Do you put on the nightgown, “ Peter asked with a deep voice, filled with lust and expectation.

  Seeing that her husband was finally inside, Anna quickly turned and sat on the bed. “Yes, I did, ” she replied to her husband’s question.

  She had presumed the nightgown was for her because it was new and it was right on the bed, so she had worn it after she took her bath.

  She quickly thanked her stars for following her instincts, because she didn't know if he would have gotten angry and beat her.

  She doesn't want to be beaten again.

  Peter was about to switch on the light to see her almost naked body because he knew what the nightgown is made of, it barely covers anything. Since she was wearing it, he knew that her breasts would almost be spilling out because the nightgown wasn't her right size for he could see that she had an enormous breast.

  “No, please leave the light off, ” Anna said slowly when she saw her husband’s action.

  No! The light mustn't be on!

  If not he's going to see the scars in her body, and he might not find her attractive anymore.

  What if he's going to send her back to her father!

  She can't go back!

  She definitely can't go back to that house.

  Peter, who thought she was shy because she was still a virgin, decided to leave the light on and moved closer to her on the bed.

  When Anna saw her husband approaching, her heart tightened and as if it was pulled by a string.

  Would he be hard on her?

  Anna thought as she trembled

  Peter smiled gently as he slowly unfasten the button of red nightgown his little wife was putting and as he heard her breathed a sharp breath.

  Seeing her nervous and trembling, Peter found out that it made him even more excited and harder. Gently raising his hands to scoop her enormous breast, Peter found out that they are as soft as they looked. He rubbed his thumb slowly over one of her nipples and took the other in his waiting mouth as Anna sharply took another hot breath.

  “When I learned that you are a virgin, I almost couldn't resist from fucking you right there in the dinning room. But because I was to know how you'd look in this nightgown I restrained myself and let you prepare yourself, tell me how are you feeling, “ Peter asked, but Anna only frowned.

  This wasn't what she had prepared herself for.

  She had thought that even if she was attracted to the old man, she would at least enjoy the sex but when he grabbed her breath just now, she felt like a frog was crawling on her body.

  She has never felt disgusted! She would rather masturbate all her life if this is what it will always feel like.

  “I said how are you feeling? Why are you mute? Don’t you like how I’m touching you?” Peter asked suddenly as he halted his actions, “do you feel disgusted because I’m not young? Do you want a young man dick instead? Talk!” Peter sneered, but Anna was too scared to utter a word as tears gathered in her eyes.

  He’s going to hit her!

  Or worse he’s going to send her back to her father! She had to cooperate, no matter what. She had to take it.

  “I feel good, I feel good,” Anna quickly lied as she held her disgust to herself.

  “Hphmn! There’s no rush. You will always be here when I come back from my business trips. You will learn to have my old dick inside you whether you are accustomed to it or not.” Peter declared, suddenly losing interest in touching her.

  But he doesn’t want to touch her, doesn't mean that he wouldn’t still shove his dick down her sweet mouth and have her wrap her warm mouth around his dick.

  At that thought, Peter instantly discarded his shorts alongside his boxes, and Anna couldn't help but gasp at how big he was.

  He should be roughly 6 inches, Anna thought as she accessed the dark frame of her new husband’s dick.

  Guessed age doesn't reduce the size of manhood, because she was expecting him to be around 4 or 5 inches.

  Is he going to have sex with her now? Anna’s heart skipped at the thought of having someone she couldn't even withstand his touch to be inside her. But she was surprised when her husband grabbed her right hand and wrapped it around his dick, “Stroke me, at least you can do that right?” Peter mumbled when he felt the softness of Anna’s hand on his dick.

  Fuck! He was instantly excited and hard.

  Anna looked at him, innocently, “I...I don’t know how,” she whispered in a slow and trembling voice.

  Shocked and amazed by her innocence, Peter groaned harshly in pleasure “you don't know how? You don't know how to give a handjob?” Peter asked as he looked at his new wife in the dark and saw that she was shaking her head as she trembled slightly.

  “Find, then use your mouth then, wrap your mouth on it as you held it in your hands and suck on it, ” Peter commanded,

  Anna breathed down and slowly got up on the bed and gently bent her head and did as her husband commanded. Peter groaned hard when he felt her lips make contact with his crotch, ” suck it, quickly, ” he demanded as he held her hair.






  In the morning, when Anna woke up, she noticed that her new husband wasn't in the bed with her. She looked around the master room sluggish as she was so tired from making her husband ejaculate multiple times with her mouth. And he even demanded that she swallow it all but it was so bland that she almost vomited until she reminded herself not to offend him.

  Anna saw a tiny piece of paper and a debit card on the table and quickly grabbed it to see what her husband wrote on it. She found out that it was his mobile number and he instructed her to use the debit card for anything she wants, also asked her to get a mobile phone and give him a call.

  She was finally getting a mobile phone, the thought of it only made Anna so excited that she immediately went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  After getting a mobile phone and calling her husband with her new line, Anna found out that her husband wouldn't be coming anytime soon because he was running a contract for some Golden Gate Building.

  Which she had overhead when she was on a call with him.

  Anna didn't know if she should feel happy or sad that she had the whole mansion to herself.

  After three weeks of staying alone in the house alone with no one to talk to, Anna slowly starts getting depressed, and depressed.

  She would have loved to paint a little, Anna thought.

  Fuck!!! Did she remember to bring her drawing book?

  Anna instantly jolted her brain to recollect if she had remembered to take her drawing book with her but she found out that she might not have brought it with her and she suddenly felt a sense of loss washed over her.

  Her paintings are her companions, they are just like her babies.

  She wished she had a mobile phone when she was leaving, at least she would be able to contact Maria and asked her to bring her drawing book for her.

  Maybe she should get a canvas, there are so many rooms here. She can set one up as her studio. Anna thought again.

  But no matter what, she can't paint every time. She had to find people to talk to. At the thought, Anna brought out her new iPhone X and went straight to safari to search for the most popular online platform to connect with people.