Chapter 34

  No! Maybe.

  “Your un-flailing libido never fails to impress me,” I retort sarcastically, ignoring how often it does annoy me.

  “Least I have a sex life.” He takes a mouthful of food, giving me that teasing eyebrow lift of his.

  “Meaning?” I pick up my fork and clean it on my napkin before I start with the salad, still watching him with a very serious expression.

  “Meaning, I’ve spent many intimate hours with you and have yet to see any sign of a date or fuck-buddy keeping you cheerful.” He raises his eyebrows then digs into his food again, no shame in what he just said. I swallow hard.

  “I’ve more important things to do and no desire to date or find a fuck-buddy.” I grimace at his term, throwing him a furrowed brow, completely unamused.

  “Might put a smile on your face.” He’s grinning. I lift my chin towards him and throw on a fake smile, as widely as I can muster. Forced of course.