Chapter 54

  I hand him back his water, throwing him a look of indulgence, a look that says, “All that casual sex?” He lets me go to take a drink; he empties the bottle and throws it in a nearby trash can, impressed with his own bullseye. That juvenile boy inside fist pumps his ability to dunk a plastic bottle.

  “Do you really want me to learn how to beat you up, Jake?” I smile impishly, watching him with amusement.

  “Carina, even if you became a pro boxer, I would still put you on your ass. You’re half my weight class,” he smirks and squeezes my shoulder lightly.

  “I don’t even know what that means.” I stop, leaning back to stretch out my limbs and start jogging on the spot to signal I’m recovered enough to continue. He pulls my hood further forward over my face and shoves me in front of him playfully so that I’ll lead.

  “It means that you’ll never be able to beat my ass, girly,” he laughs with a huskiness that is a little too alluring.