Oh my god.
He can be so infuriating. I think he’s still exhausted for sure, and he’s being crabby as hell. I don’t want to fight; I want to go back to playful, fun Jake. This is not the little outing I was expecting.
“Jake, it shouldn’t have happened; we crossed a line,” I plead, trying to make him see sense, trying to stop this fiery conversation and get back to something lighter.
“And there she is! Right back to square one.” The sarcasm is thick in his tone, his body stiffening in his seat.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I turn to him angrily.
“Anytime you get close, Emma, even a hint of letting go, you snap right back in and shut the door. No conversation, no acknowledgment of it; just wham. Over!” he barks at me, all hope of not fighting out the window, and my emotions tank.
“What?” I hiss with a sardonic laugh. “Because I won’t sleep with my boss, I’m not letting myself go? That’s being closed off?” I turn away, anger flaming my face, completely furious now.