Chapter 134


  I think he’s mad.

  Hmmmm, well, if it’s good enough for the gander, or whatever that saying is.

  “Well, I work as hard as you do, so maybe I should follow your lead and play hard too. Seems to work wonders for you.” I’m fluttering my lashes innocently as his shoulders tense up. I’m enjoying his reaction a little too much; in a way, it feels like payback. His jaw is tensing, and I notice his ear move as a result.

  “I don’t think it would make you happy, Emma, sleeping around, fucking strangers.” There’s definitely an edge to his voice. His frown has deepened, and he’s gripping the arm of his seat a little aggressively.

  “You seem happy enough,” I push on, feeling brighter.

  See, Jake? Two can play at being assholes.