Figures. My mother’s cooking expertise stops at heating a can of soup.
I take a moment to work out that the brunette is the nurse Jake’s still paying to take care of her. He’s honoring his promise to Sophie, a runaway we met when she was living with my mother in Chicago and who is now being adopted by family friends of the Carreros’. He gave Sophie his word he would take care of her until her injuries are fully healed, despite cutting ties with me. It causes a dull aching lump to form in my throat and my eyes well up with tears I refuse to cry. My heart breaking all over again.
Throwing my briefcase on the nearby couch I tense up, ready for this little altercation. They haven’t heard me come in, too busy making noise in the kitchen with bubbling pots and pointless chatter. My rage simmers at the sight of her in my home, taking over. I’m still reeling with the fact that she let Ray Vanquis back in her life, after everything and yet here she is.