Chapter 186

  “I never imagined you could be so cute. This is all new for me too, I was eighteen when I last had a boyfriend and I never exactly had a steady or normal relationship.” I smile down at him and stroke my fingertips across his ruffled hair.

  “Uh-uh.” He covers my mouth with his palm in a flash move so I almost jump at the sudden contact. “You were an untouched virgin who’s never had a single boyfriend in her life, lived like a nun.” He moves over me so he’s hovering above my head. “I was your first everything and will be your last everything, too.” The wicked look in his eyes doesn’t fully cover that tiny hint of seriousness and I pull his hand off my mouth. Amused at this flash of jealous.

  “So, it’s okay for you to have been a man-whore, but I’m a pure untouched maiden?” I laugh at him, shaking my head.

  “I was a virgin too; all those girls were just all smoke and mirrors. I was keeping myself for you.” He grins and nuzzles my neck, pushing me back into the mess of pillows.