His eyes are focused on the orchestra and he’s so tense he’s almost rigid. Our dancing has slowed to a partial halt and the couples around us seem to be moving away as though they’ve been given some signal that they should do so. I’m not sure that I like the fact we seem to be in the center of the room with a widening gap happening all around us, so very public, among a sea of faces. I just need to keep reminding myself of whose strong arms are around me, that he will always keep me safe. I stare up at that handsome face to ground myself once more.
Jake has a silent trance-like look on his face, the same one as the day we found out I was pregnant and suddenly I don’t feel so brave anymore. Even in his arms I’m submerged in the icy coldness of fear engulfing me. He’s not with me right now, his head elsewhere and I’m left adrift.