“That’s not true.” Arrick makes to pull me back to him, but I step further away. Slapping his hands away childishly. Immature me peeking out to show face.
“Can you name one time in the last year, or more, that you called me to just talk or to hang out; one time that you have been near me while I was sober, and not in need of being rescued? And I don’t mean the party invites or when we run into each other!” I raise my palms accusingly, draped in the oversized jacket on my slender frame that makes me appear ridiculously small. Arrick frowns, considering my question for a moment and then frowns harder as he tries to recall even one moment from the past year, that hasn’t been a call to collect me drunk, or a time when he wasn’t with Natasha or I had been invited to some group thing. He inclines his head to the side as though really digging for an example, and then sighs with the realization that I’m right.