Emma and I watch them leave, pushing and shoving like kids, shaking our heads, and smiling as they get out of the room. Jake grabs a gym bag from the hall which obviously holds formal clothes for playing basketball. Arrick throws me back a half smile, a look of support, that soft one I can never resist that makes his eyebrows crazily straight, and then he’s gone. Both leave us to have some space, and I must admit, with them gone, it’s like I can just breathe a little bit more. I know what Emma is going to say, I can tell by the look that’s been on her face since she saw me with Arrick.
“What’s happening with you two then?” She smiles softly and I have to curb the ‘there it is’ moment that goes off inside me. Straightening to face her, I know this is going to happen, whether I want to talk about it or not.