Chapter 472

  I’m as pathetic as her.

  “What about her? Sat in your mom’s house like a good little puppy?” I bite, anger and agony colliding and that age-old feeling of guilt where Natasha is concerned, finally winding a path to my conscience. I guess it was delayed with shock at the house and now it’s sunk in that she is here, I am starting to get the inklings of shitty-ness where she is concerned again.

  Sometimes I hate my own head so much.

  “She came because she needs a friend, nothing else. She doesn’t matter in this. You’re all that matters to me right now … I’ll explain all of it. Let me come inside, or we can go somewhere else.” Arrick tries to turn my face to him but I pull away, so much mistrust for him and an inability to think rationally when he gets too close.