“What if it’s not the end? What if we had to do this for another twelve months instead?” I blurt it out like a child, sniffing, bubbling, and holding on tight because I really have no clue how he’s going to react. Fear in my heart and complete panic consuming me.
“What do you mean?” Arry pushes me back slightly so I’m forced to look up at him as he regards me with confusion. I swallow hard, finally verbalizing what I have been putting off, trying to calm myself down as his fingers trace my face and he wipes my tears away.
“They offered to extend my scholarship for my last year too.” I say it so quietly, so sure he is about to snap this time, and that knot of anxiety consumes me. Arry’s face takes on that cool, indifferent blankness that he is crazily good at, even still. Unreadable and I have no idea what’s going through his head right now. He’s shielding me from whatever instant reaction he is having, which is never a good thing.