See! I can’t even act like an adult while having a fight with my future husband. What kind of mother will I be?
“No, but I am sure you will make it an all-inclusive experience.” the light tone in his voice at his asshole remark makes me snap up to see him smirking, actual fucking smiling about this.
“Fuck you. Sometimes I really hate you.” I shove him in the abs, but he only holds me closer.
“I expect this is going to be a hellish few months, knowing you, and your diva ways. You should be nice to me right now, baby, even with the amount of patience and understanding I have for you… I can’t promise I won’t want to strangle you by the end of this.” He’s smiling again and I snarl like a feral stray.
“This isn’t funny… Why are you even joking about this? This is the worst thing ever.” Enraged, losing my sadness to be replaced with anger at my thick-skulled idiot man.