We both stare at the image on scream in complete disbelief and I can’t get my head round it at all. Even though it’s right there plain as day and I can see it. Nothing she is saying s filtering into my skull except complete disbelief.
“Six weeks on the button.” My mom says and pushes the hard-plastic tool on my abdomen around a bit more for a new angle. She’s engrossed in her screen and sounds professional and detached and I honestly don’t believe any of this.
“How?” I blink again and stare at what looks like a little bean with a pulsing spot on a black fuzzy image that makes no sense.
“Twins most likely… You only lost one, but one is still a viable pregnancy.” She smiles through glazed eyes at me and goes back to looking at the screen, clicking the keyboard to make measurements and pull-down menus. Double checking and doing whatever she needs to do.