I’m surprised to hear Mico talking so candidly to someone he never seems to question. I guess they think I am totally out cold and can't hear them talking around me, because let’s face it, I am planked out star-shaped on a bed with a dead expression, closed eyes and barely able to move and I probably look like I am in a coma.
I wish I was, and maybe I would not feel so wretched or out of my head on crazy hallucinogens.
I like Mico, he’s a thug and a brutal henchman, but I like the fact he’s probably the first person I have ever met that shows any concern for me, except maybe Gino. He seemed to do that too for a brief moment in that posh house so very far away.
I wonder why he has a family home that he never uses.
Focus Camilla … stop floating off on the sea breeze.
Jesus, I am definitely high.