Mico sighs heavily.
‘He’s not going to do anything to you, I swear. Trust me. I wouldn’t have brought him if I thought he was going to hurt you in any way, and he knows that if he scares you, I will break his face.’ There is something in Mico’s tone that says he isn’t lying to me and I silence my insta-response of no and sit for a moment trying to calm myself down.
‘Why can’t he just leave me alone?’ I sulk weakly, sounding fragile and quiet. Sighing and hating how tired all of this is making me. The hours ticking away and I still have to try and sleep before I need to get up for work. At this rate that’s not going to happen and I cannot even face the thought of a ten-hour shift on little sleep and a raging fever.
‘Because he spent four months trying to find you and he wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip by.’