Chapter 15

  Roman picked his napkin up and dabbed at his mouth.

  Was this the game they were playing? He had expected those words at some point but he knew why she was saying them now.

  This was how his little Evelyn was going to try to get out of her contract.

  “Is that so?” he asked and then sipped his wine.

  “And that’s it? You don’t have anything to say to me?”

  What could he say? Only weeks ago he’d struggled with the idea of having to let her go once she voiced what was so clear in her eyes every time he visited her. But now? She had given him a reason to ignore her words the moment she had tried to run away from him. He supposed he could be thankful about that now even though she had caused him a lot of inconveniences when he had to find her and then follow her. He wouldn’t have had an excuse to keep her around before that.

  Because he was keeping her.