Chapter 21

  Roman straightened his tie and made sure his hair was tidy before he put his jacket on.

  He was a bastard but that was okay. It was the nature of any business deal. He gave them a little of what they desperately wanted and they gave him what he needed. And Evelyn had given it to him really well last night. She said she wanted to feel like she was in a relationship and in return he got to continue to fuck her. It was a straightforward deal.

  So why did he feel like he was negotiating with fucking terrorists?

  He yanked his tie off roughly and rolled his shoulders for a few moments before he started to do the knot again.

  He had been the one to offer the new deal but Evelyn had so eagerly accepted it. She had been bought so easily. Gone was all her bullshit talk about feeling like a whore and being lonely. How could she be fucking lonely when she had spent all that time with that pimply boy?
