Chapter 11 Stress Reliever

  Anna May

  She missed him. She misses him so much it hurts. Why was she so drawn to him? She had only known him for a few days and yet she longed for him. It was as if a part of her soul had left with him. Was it the same for him? She glared at the tub of pistachio ice cream before her. Does she want him to feel the same about her?

  Yes, I do. Wanted him to miss her as much as she misses him.

  She stabbed her spoon in her ice cream with a bit of force and continued to eat. Last she heard from him was before she turned in for the evening. He checked if she was home, safe, had dinner and if she was in their bedroom.

  Their bedroom. She shivered at the thought, squirming in her chair, remembering their hot kisses. Damn, it was amazing.