Chapter 37 Bonus Chapter One

  Anna May


  In 5 4 3 2 1...Loud heavy footfalls were heard through the North Wing's spacious hallway running towards the direction of her voice. She should have used the mind link -not today- she was too annoyed to think straight.

  Furious amber gaze surveyed the nursery once more. Ten? Really? She had personally designed the beautiful and serene room. What he added ruined it.

  "Babygirl?" Her mate halted before her, chest heaving and his heartbeat thudding. When she didn't answer, he began to inspect every inch of her body, from her swollen ankles to her enormous baby bulge up to her...

  Anna swatted his hands away when he reached her colostrum-filled sensitive breasts. "Stop!"

  "Are you hurt, mia anima? Do you want me to call the doctors?" Xander's dark gray eyes were dilated with worry.

  "I am mad at you." She hissed and propped her hands on her wide hips to glare at him. Placing more emphasis on her feelings.