Chapter 52 The Signs

  Anna Marie

  She stiffened her knees to prevent the nausea of fear coursing through her veins.

  The car brought her to an abandoned housing on 8th Avenue. She had only heard of this place in the news. This was the most dangerous part of Harlem. A lot of gang activities went on in this part of the city.

  Rie got out of the car slowly and it drove away, leaving her alone. The phone was doing its job in her back pocket so she was positive help will arrive soon.

  The street was so dark and no people milled about. Odd.

  She gasped when a hulk of a man moved out of the shadows. Shit! Now her suspicions proved correct, why the voice sounded so familiar over the phone.

  "You came, Anna Marie." He nodded in approval and he eyed her with intensity. There was a cruel twist on his lips she was glimpsing for the first time. This was his true identity. Her instinct had always been right.