Chapter 79 Watch Me

  Anna Michelle

  Growing up, Mish had always been a perfect baby sister. Obedient, kind, soft-spoken, and just an overall darling. Whatever her sisters said, she followed them. To a tee. Never want to argue or cause chaos.

  Due to health complications, she almost kept to herself growing up. Her best friends were Anna and Rie. She didn't want anyone else.

  Until she began dreaming of HIM.

  Nope. She promised herself. No more Prince Charming. Forgetting him would be the best option. The only setback was she had to be by herself. For a time.


  The how was not easy but she made it.

  When she woke up, the mansion was empty. A servant informed her that Alexander and Anna were attending a business meeting at The Mark and of course Michael and Alexandria went with them. Her sister Rie was also out with the Dragon King.

  That was when she began to plot. This was a rare opportunity.