Chapter 37

  “Well,” I accepted a golden goblet of wine from Rivyn who seemed unbothered entirely about the odd setting and the golden haired, naked man that dominated it. “You took up residence here, I presume, because you like the location. It is a pretty spot. Nice caves,” I looked around myself dubiously. “Pretty prosperous village... You want to settle here, make a home and family?”

  His eyes narrowed, and he did not reply.

  “The villagers are frightened of you. They cannot work their mines because they fear your wrath,” I told him. “Much longer and they will begin to starve. The village will not be so pretty when they cannot sustain it, and their corpses begin to outnumber the living.

  “But this relationship can be mutually advantageous. They are victim to marauders, to war... with a dragon in the mountains, they will be protected from such things. And in return, they can divert dragon hunters away from your cave,” I explained.

  “I want a wife,” the dragon was curt.