Chapter 2

  Aleia’s pov

  I dropped the phone, putting it on speaker because I couldn’t take any more of her squealing. It was beginning to hurt my ear.

  When she was done with her drama, she finally cared enough to ask me.

  “Did you hear me? I am getting married! Oh this is so exciting!” she said

  Oh I bet! Couldn’t wait to sink your claws in another man.

  “Yay! I am so happy for you” I said mustering fake enthusiasm in my voice to get her off my back.

  “You will come, won’t you?” she asked me

  “Oh no! I am sorry honey but I would be very busy” I told her.

  I didn’t want to attend her stupid wedding, it would be another attempt to hassle me about why I wasn’t married and all that nonsense that I wasn’t ready for. They would gang up on me and start asking me a bunch of questions making me uncomfortable and filled with regret for accepting the invitation in the first place. I always felt like crap whenever the whole ceremony was over and I had to go home alone like they predicted.

  “No, I already sent out an invite for you and your boyfriend” she said

  I knew what the little imp was trying to do, goad me into accepting her invitation with the intention to show them that I was doing well. I have to admit, it was working.

  “Yes, I am bringing someone to meet the family,” I told her.

  “Good” she said, I could hear the satisfaction in her voice and I realized that I messed up badly.

  How the hell was I supposed to get a date so fast?

  I was disappointed in myself for falling prey to her taunts, I was old enough to realize when she was manipulating me like she did when she wanted to get her way.

  I sighed out knowing I was in too deep to back out now.

  “Okay, I will extend your greetings to your mom” she said before hanging up.

  I used escort services run by one of my clients sometimes when I was in no mood to go out looking for dates each time I had a function. I had a specific function to attend. It has helped me a great deal over the years if I was in a hurry. They would be the perfect solution to my step sister’s wedding, if I could get Bryan to act as my boyfriend for a whole week at the wedding then all would be good.

  Bryan was a male escort now friend that would always help me out whenever I requested for him, he made me laugh and it made our time together enjoyable.

  I had Trina call Bryan to tell him that I would be needing him today at the club.

  I finished up my work early and headed home to rest and get ready for tonight.

  I got home and microwaved the leftover lasagna and after eating to my taste, I decided to have a little nap.


  It was past ten when I just came out of the shower that Melissa called me to remind me that we had somewhere to be and at that moment, there was a knock on my door which means Bryan was here and he was right on time.

  “Hold on!” I called out

  I opened the door just to be engulfed in a bear hug, it was Bryan. I chuckled at his big display of affection.

  “Hey miss halls, I heard you requested for me again” he stated

  I smacked him on his upper arm. I always have fun with Bryan and it was really hard for people to question our chemistry when they saw us playing like that in public. He was gay and that made this arrangement easy for me since I didn’t have to sleep with him.

  “Go get dressed, let’s go. I am ready to hit the club” he said

  “Okay, okay” I said as I went back to the bedroom to put on my dress.

  It was a black pantsuit but the jacket was well fitted and the neckline was plunging enough to reveal enough cleavage to make me look sexy. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail. It brought out my eyes and the red lipstick only served to make me look wicked sexy. I finished off with my red bottoms stiletto.

  I checked myself in the mirror and I looked like I was going for the meeting but at the same time I came to have fun. I nodded at my reflection before grabbing my purse to meet Bryan where I left him.

  He already helped himself to a glass of wine.

  “I see you got started without me” I stated

  He turned around to look at me, probably to say something snarky but his words got stuck in his throat.

  “If I was into women, I would totally do it right now,” he said.

  I laughed at that, glad I got his approval.

  We were to meet Melissa in the club with the clients. We took a cab there because I didn’t want to leave my car there if I became too drunk to drive.

  We got to the club a little late because of traffic. I was nervous but at the same time excited because of the meeting we had.

  “Hey, you okay?” Bryan who seems to have noticed my hands placed his on them.

  “Yeah, just peachy. I have waited so long for a night like this but now it’s her, I want to go back and lay down on my bed.” I told him honestly.

  “I know how you feel,” he said, patting my arm.

  I nodded at him, I didn’t need the big speech anyways. I just needed someone who understood how I felt sometimes.

  We stepped out of the car, he gave me his arm and I slipped mine inside beginning the charade of the loving couple.

  The bouncer checked us at the door, I gave them my name and they let me in immediately. They led us to the section I reserved for the night and it turns out that the clients were here already and Melissa was busy entertaining them.

  “Sorry I am late, I got held up by the traffic” I said immediately catching their attention.

  I saw Melissa let out an obvious sigh of relief, pulling me aside.

  “You so owe me for this! I have been blabbing my head off since they got here” she said

  I gave her a smile in appreciation, I knew how much she hated talking to clients. “Thank you”

  “Why did you bring Bryan?” she asks, confused.

  “Oh! I thought it would help prove to them that I am responsible and all that plus he would kill me if I come here without him” I stated.

  She laughed at that, she has seen enough of Bryan to know that he is capable of committing murder if I come to the new club without him.

  “Catch me up, what have I missed?” I asked her

  “Okay, so hank is a dick and I want to kill him while the other guy is really cute” she said

  “Down girl! You are married” I reminded her

  “I know but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t look, right?” she asked me

  “Right!” I answered.

  I went back to sit with my clients and we launched into a heavy conversation about how selling his company would benefit him rather than let it go bankrupt like it was heading to. Apparently, the younger guy is his lawyer. Hank opened up telling me how he had to lay off some of his employees because of the money the account manager embezzled from his was a sympathetic story but I really wasn’t in the mood to hear that. All I wanted to hear was “sign the papers” which according to his story wasn’t ending at all. I didn’t care if he built up the company from the ground and all that nonsense. I wanted him to hand over the papers so I could have fun the way I intended to earlier.

  “It was pretty nice of you to host us here although I don’t appreciate you hassling me into signing the contract” Mr. Hank said sternly.

  Those might have worked with his employees but it sure doesn’t work with me, I didn’t get to where I was by cowering in front of men.

  “With all due respect Mr. Hank, I am not hassling you. If you weren’t so careless with your company then this wouldn’t be happening. I am doing you a favor and if you want to delay it then that’s on you. The price gets lower as you waste my time” I told him bluntly

  He looked taken aback but I was past the point of caring right now, either he signs those papers or I back out of the deal. He wasn’t going to get any price better than mine.

  I spotted Melissa and Bryan across the bar with drinks in front of them and my body filled with longing. I wanted to be at the bar with them laughing and taking shots but I was stuck here listening to an old chap’s story.

  I was pretty sure the story went on for two hours before he gave up the entire thing.

  “Here, I already signed them,” he said, handing the file to me. I had to control myself from not smiling at the pained expression on his face.

  It was clear that he didn’t want to sell but he needed the money and the company was already going under. I had plans for the company so I decided to help out while getting something out of it.

  They left after we concluded the negotiation. I was glad because now I could have fun like I have been craving tonight. Melissa came up to the booth just then nursing a drink in her hand.

  "So...did you get it?" She asked

  "Yes! I got it! We officially own the company now" I told her, sounding very excited.

  She squealed but the sound was lost in the music.

  "Where is Bryan?" I asked her, I haven't seen my date since I brought him here.

  "Hmmm, he mentioned something about going to the bathroom" she said offhandedly

  "That bitch!! If he is going to be having sex on out dates then he should be the one paying me" I told her.

  He was already having sex and I was still here discussing business. I didn't really want to go home with anyone but it would be nice to have fun while I am here.

  Melissa laughed at my outburst "you guys are hilarious" she stated.

  "Hey, I didn't tell you? Diane called" I told Melissa

  "What?! That girl doesn't call unless she has some cheap trick to try and humiliate you" she said furiously.

  I know, right? Each time she calls I become uptight and determined to prove something to her and her snarky mother. It was really frustrating each time and Melissa knows firsthand what I see each time she calls.

  "Apparently, she is getting married and she already sent an invite for my date too. They just assumed I should have a boyfriend by now, can you believe that?" I asked her.

  She turned sheepish for a second "well, actually we all hoped you would have gotten married by now" I turned to glare at her after she said that. Out of everybody, she should be the most understanding of my situation.

  "You know why I am not married yet" I reminded her.

  "Yes I know but don't you think it’s time you move past that and get on with your life?" She asks me.

  She was right, I was way too focused on the past to let go and move on but it didn't mean I was going to jump into marriage with the first guy I saw.

  "You are right but I am not saying I would just do it but I promise I will try and let go" I told her.

  She gave me a hug which didn't last two seconds because she was dragging me to the dancefloor. I wasn't the best dancer but I knew some moves that had men's jaws dropping to the floor.

  A song sounded from the speakers and I just went with it. I wasn't even drunk yet but I could feel adrenaline coursing through my insides. I moved my hips to the sound of the music and just let it take over, before I knew it my hands were up and I was shimmying up and down the dance floor.

  I went over to the bar to order myself a drink or two.

  "Scotch, neat" I told the bartender. He got started immediately and before two minutes I had my drink in hand, I downed it in one gulp and ordered for two more. Finishing those quickly I found my way back to Melissa who was having fun in the middle of the dance floor.

  I joined her, sashaying to the middle. Putting my hands on my hips and bending lower so I could move properly. It really was fun. My facial expression I am sure looked a lot like I was having an orgasm, my body moved slowly to the beat and I was lost in it.

  Turning around quickly, my eyes caught a pair of intense gray eyes staring at me from the booth, his gaze was so intense that I could feel it roam all over my body. I couldn't see the rest of his face but all I could see was his eyes.

  I averted my eyes immediately, knowing his eyes were on me was enough to fuel me sway my hips even more. Melissa was way off her head by now because she was grinding close to me and to people outside, we would look like lesbians but I knew she was letting me know that she is way gone and I should keep an eye on her.

  Looks like I am the designated driver after all. I didn't look in the direction of the Guy's booth anymore. There was no point to it because I wasn't going home with him. I danced with Melissa like we did in college, making guys stare at us.

  We were pretty out of it by the time we were done, well Melissa was drunk and I was out of breath. It’s been so long since I danced like that. I knew Bryan was long gone by now with his flavor of the night and I realized it was time to call it a night or Melissa's husband will kill me.

  "Come on honey, let's get you home" I told her as I made her lean on me and order a cab back to my place.

  I called her husband letting him know that she would be sleeping over at mine and he wished me luck knowing how she gets when she is drunk.

  We entered the taxi and headed home to my apartment. We almost got there when I remembered that she never got that pizza for me.