Chapter 5

  Theo's POV

  We left the club shortly after a while. I took a cab to my place with Gage because he didn't want to sleep in his house tonight. I am pretty sure he couldn't remember the address because of how wasted he was. He was slurring his words and that was more than enough takeaway to know that he was really drunk.

  Henry left to his own place with a promise to call the next day, I took gage home to mine.

  I dropped him on the couch because I didn't have the strength to take him up to the guest bedroom, he weighs a ton not that he would admit it.

  I trudged upstairs to my own room and without removing my clothes, I jumped straight to bed.

  My dreams were filled with thoughts of a sensual woman like the lady I saw in the club. It was her in my dream but this time she was dancing for me. Just for my eyes, teasing me and calling out to me like a siren.

  I was like a dog in heat, I sniffed her hair then her neck, and I trailed my tongue on the column of her neck to the curve of her shoulder blades. She tasted sweet and I wondered how the rest of her taste would taste.

  I wanted to take a bite out of her delicious neck but that would be carnivorous so I nibbled on it, she tipped her head back but didn't make a sound. I took that as encouragement and continued with my actions.

  I trailed my hands up and down her body like I wanted to do earlier, I felt every curve in her delicious body. The dip and depths of her hips, her small waist and her soft but firm breast.

  What I would give to have her naked under me right now.

  She pushed me away, dancing away from me and I let her, she didn't get very far because she was right back to teasing me. Her eyes bored into me like a drill and her lips enticed me to have a taste and from the look on her face, she knew what she was doing to me.

  I enjoyed the show, I may not be doing what I wanted to do with her but watching her dance was more than enough for me.

  The dance lured me into a deep sleep and before I knew it, I was lost in dreamland.


  I yawned and stretched my arms out when I woke up the next morning, I was having a headache but nothing an Advil couldn't fix. I walked to the bathroom holding my head, it felt so heavy like it wanted to fall out.

  I reached towards the medicine cabinet and got out the Advil bottle, I took two.

  I better go check on gage, he always has the worst hangover each time and still he doesn't check his drinking.

  I went downstairs taking one step slow and steady at a time, I went into the living room and there he was drooling on my expensive couch. What I am going to do now is going to hurt me more than him but it is a little revenge for getting drool on my couch.

  I went into the kitchen taking a pot and a spatula, and headed back to the living room.

  He was sleeping so peacefully and it made me want to bang the pots more, so I did.

  "Bang...get the fuck up, bang...bang..." I sang.

  He bounced off the couch immediately and stared at me with wide eyes, probably thinking something was happening. His eyes narrowed when he saw me holding the pot and spoon and he threw a shoe at me.

  "You fucker!!!" He shouted before holding his head. I laughed a little too loudly because of that before placing the Advil and water that I got for him.

  "Thanks but you are still an asshole" he told me.

  "You were drooling on my couch," I told him.

  He winced when he saw the mark on the couch. "Sorry man" he apologized.

  "It’s okay, you okay with locking up? I have to be at work in an hour" I told him.

  He paused as he was drinking water and stared at me through the glass, his face was almost comical with the way his jaw was hanging open.

  "What? You still have your key, don't you?" I asked him.

  He opened and closed his mouth like he wanted to say something.

  "Please tell me you still have your key?" he didn't say anything to that either, "gage, dammit. Why do you always lose things?" I asked him, raising my voice a little.

  He blinked and just burst out laughing at me, he was laughing so hard and pointing at me.

  "You idiot, you don't realize it don't you?" He asked me.

  "Realize what?" I asked him.

  "You fool!!! You drank so much that you don't remember that you were laid off from work?" He asked, still laughing.

  The memories came rushing back to me, my boss firing me and laying me off telling gage about it.

  I sank down to the couch as I remembered yesterday's events.

  I did not have a job?

  "What?!" I asked him.

  "Calm down man, you were out of sorts yesterday and I thought you knew you were unemployed now." He said mockingly.

  I glared at him but he just kept laughing at me more. I became tired all over again. I thought I was past this and it was just a dream but it wasn't and now I was left without a job.

  "I bet you are thinking about being an escort now, huh?" He asked me.

  "Well now I am!" I told him.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I thought about the job but I just couldn't do it. Being a male escort was one of the things I couldn't do. It was no big deal to the likes of Henry but to me it was a big deal.

  "You don’t have to overthink it, just call Henry and get your file started, '' he told me.

  "Easy for you to say, you are not the one sleeping with people" I told him.

  "You are not sleeping with anyone, none of that is in your contract. You get to sleep with them only if you choose to, maybe if you find any of the women attractive." He said.

  "You sound like you have done this before," I told him.

  "Yes, I have. Henry is my friend and I had to support his business of course." He said.

  "Are you serious?" I asked.

  "Yes, I enjoyed myself. The escort was well mannered and obviously I like well-behaved girls" he said.

  "You slept with her, didn't you?" I asked him.

  "Yeah I did, she was very beautiful" he said.

  I dropped the topic there.

  "I gotta go, unlike you I have work this morning." He told me.

  I threw a pillow at him, "fuck you" I told him, giving him the finger.

  He laughed his way out of my house, and I was left alone thinking of what my morning would consist of now that I wasn't going to work in the morning. I wasn't sure calling any of my friends to hang out with them would be a good idea. Everybody was either at work or at work.

  I didn't want to be a bother so I just relaxed on my couch to watch any show that I could find.

  It was time that I enjoyed my joblessness for a while. I had an idea for my own company but I didn't have the capital to push it through. The money I saved up was not enough to start it up and now that I had no job, it was going to be more difficult for me to make up the money.

  I had forgotten about the show as I thought about it, maybe being an escort wasn't such a bad idea now. I needed money and I needed it fast but I wasn't desperate enough to call henry.

  He was kind of enough to offer me a position and I was being stupid not to accept it but I needed to figure out a plan before I decide to call him.

  I was comfortable enough to live without a job for three months before debts came crawling to my doorstep and I didn't want that happening before I could find a job. I didn't want debt to come knocking on my door before I could find my way out of it.

  I was thinking when my phone rang and it was gage. I wonder why he was calling me.

  "Hey man, did you forget anything?" I asked him.

  "No, I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't be thinking so hard about this. If you have a chance to make money to start up your company then you consider working for Henry for a week then if you don't like it then you quit." He told me.

  "I know man but it’s not as easy as you are making it out to be" I replied.

  "I know just calm down and think about it" he told me right before hanging up.

  He was right, I needed the money to start up my company. I have been building my idea since college and I had been waiting for the right time to start but I haven't gotten there yet and at twenty seven years, I was supposed to be at that point in my life but I wasn't.

  It was a bad thing but it was as though I was depressed about it. Gage already had his company and Henry had his even if it was an escort company but it was his.

  It was time I changed the course of my life and focused on getting there but I still didn't think being an escort was going to help me.

  What if people found out he worked as an escort then what would he do then?

  No, he couldn't join them. He was going to tell Henry that he wasn't interested in joining his agency, especially when he still had money.

  He went upstairs and had his bath before making something to eat quickly. He checked his fridge and he made a mental note to go grocery shopping when he had the chance.

  His fridge was empty just like his life right now, he made a simple peanut butter sandwich with orange juice. He made it and settled down in front of the TV to continue with the show he was watching.

  That was how his entire day went by so fast, eating a lot of food and watching a lot of TV. If he knew this was what he would do normally if he didn't have to work his ass off every day then he would have stopped working a long time ago. I didn't know why I was freaking out in the first place. This was fun, he could sit here and do nothing all day and still have enough money left to sustain his lazy self-till he finds another job.

  Next week, he will start looking for jobs next week when he is done relaxing and enjoying his paid vacation.

  The day rolled by like it was nothing and at the end of the day, I felt so lazy and I had to get out to walk around a bit. If I was going to be having days off then I would like to still keep fit. If I didn't take my time then I would be having a while gut to myself and I can't imagine it would sit well with the ladies.

  I changed into my running gear and set out to the gym when I felt that running just wouldn't cut it, things I ate today at what my trainer will frown at.