Diane’s pov

  I walked to the prison, it has been my go to place since my mother was arrested, and I have been here to see her, talk to her and tell her how much I miss her. She has been my rock and she has helped me understand what life is about. It’s about survival which is why she tried to kill my stepfather.

  She wanted us to have a good life without worrying about money or shelter but the only thing that stood in our way was that good for nothing Aleia. She always acts like she is better than everyone else, al high and mighty because she made it out on her own.

  She may not be perfect but she looked after me in the best way she knew how which was why I was so pissed at Aleia for throwing my mother in jail. I knew she was the kind of person not to forgive but she did a cruel thing by letting my mother rot in here.