Kira's pov

  I ran a hand through my hair as I yawned, I was still drowsy and tired from the sleep. I have been doing a lot of that lately, mostly because that's the only thing I can do to forget the situation I am in. I haven't gone to visit my mother ever since that Adrian debacle. I didn't want her laughing to my face, she would tell me things that would be so irritating like, "I told you so" and other things that would drive me insane.

  I love her but sometimes she could be a little too much to deal with, she would laugh in my face about my mess up with him, she did tell me to be careful but I got too cocky and overconfident and that led to this.

  Now, I had no money to bail her out or take care of myself. I had no food left, I was living the life of a pauper, maybe worse than that. I was damn too lazy to get up and do anything, what was the point?